Commercial Carpet Cleaning

Don't hire a residential carpet cleaner for your commercial buildings. Why do I say this? First and for most, when a customer shops for a cleaner, they are most interested in price and quality. The reality is that you can't always have both... When I say reality, I mean with a residential carpet cleaner. First, residential carpet cleaners have a bad habit of wanting a high flat rate to show up to any project no matter how small it is. Second, residential carpet cleaners tend to charge commercial buildings a residential rate. As a company we have bid jobs and found out that we were half as cheap as the other bid, did we make our profit margin? Yes. When you hire a residential carpet cleaner, you will pay over 40-100% more vs hiring a commercial carpet cleaning company who cleans millions of Sq Ft per year. Commercial carpet cleaning companies will have vast amount of tools for all sorts of cleaning methods, they will also have employees who have vast amounts of knowledge and experience in the commercial world, last they can clean at a faster rate than a residential carpet cleaner and will give you a better result. As I said, customers want two things when shopping... Price and quality. We offer both! If you have a building that is 1000 Sq Ft or have 100 buildings that range from 5000-30,000 Sq Ft and up we can clean them. If you have commercial carpet that needs cleaning, call us!